Category: Political boundaries

* Type: Shapefile * Group: Political boundary * Title: Basic Territorial Units of Campinas (SHP) * Description: Map of Basic Territorial Units boundaries of Campinas, Sao Paulo, in shapefile format (SHP) * Metadata: =================================== GISMAPS - =================================== Mapas Temáticos - Geoprocessamento…

Price: R$150,00

* Type: Shapefile * Group: Political boundary * Title: Districts of Bauru (SHP) * Description: Map of districts boundaries of Bauru, Sao Paulo, in shapefile format (SHP) * Metadata: =================================== GISMAPS - =================================== Mapas Temáticos - Geoprocessamento =================================== * Grupo: Divisão…

Price: R$150,00

* Type: Shapefile * Group: Political boundary * Title: Federal District (SHP) * Description: Map of the Federal District of Brazil organized by subdistricts in Shapefile format * Metadata: =================================== GISMAPS - =================================== Mapas Temáticos -…

Price: R$20,00

* Type: Shapefile * Group: Political boundary * Title: Districts of Ribeirao Preto (SHP) * Description: Map of districts boundaries of Ribeirao Preto, Sao Paulo,  in shapefile format (SHP) * Metadata: =================================== GISMAPS - =================================== Mapas Temáticos…

Price: R$180,00

* Type: Shapefile * Group: Political boundary * Title: Districts of Sao Vicente (SHP) * Description: Map of districts boundaries of Sao Vicente, Sao Paulo, in shapefile format (SHP) * Metadata: =================================== GISMAPS - =================================== Mapas…

Price: R$150,00

* Type: Shapefile * Group: Political boundary * Title: Sao Jose dos Campos regions (SHP) * Description: Map of regions boundaries of Sao Jose dos Campos, Sao Paulo, in shapefile format (SHP) * Metadata: =================================== GISMAPS -…

Price: R$50,00

* Type: Shapefile * Group: Political boundary * Title: Districts of Santos (SHP) * Description: Map of districts boundaries of Santos, Sao Paulo, in shapefile format (SHP) * Metadata: =================================== GISMAPS - =================================== Mapas Temáticos - Geoprocessamento…

Price: R$150,00

* Type: Shapefile * Group: Political boundary * Title: Districts of Praia Grande (SHP) * Description: Map of districts boundaries of Praia Grande, Sao Paulo, in shapefile format (SHP) * Metadata: =================================== GISMAPS - =================================== Mapas…

Price: R$150,00

* Type: Shapefile * Group: Political boundary * Title: Districts of Maceio (SHP) * Description: Map of districts boundaries of Maceio, Alagoas, in shapefile format (SHP) * Metadata: =================================== GISMAPS - =================================== Mapas Temáticos - Geoprocessamento ===================================…

Price: R$100,00

* Type: Shapefile * Group: Political boundary * Title: Districts of Joao Pessoa (SHP) * Description: Map of districts boundaries of Joao Pessoa, Paraiba, in shapefile format (SHP) * Metadata: =================================== GISMAPS - =================================== Mapas Temáticos…

Price: R$100,00