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Districts of Linhares (KML)
* Type: KML * Group: Political boundary * Title: Districts of Linhares (KML) * Description: KML file of districts limits of Linhares (ES) * Metadata: =================================== GISMAPS - =================================== Mapas Temáticos - Geoprocessamento =================================== * Grupo: Divisão Política * Título:…
Districts of Maricá (KML)
* Type: KML * Group: Political boundary * Title: Districts of Maricá (KML) * Description: KML file of districts limits of Maricá (RJ) * Metadata: =================================== GISMAPS - =================================== Mapas Temáticos - Geoprocessamento =================================== * Grupo: Divisão Política * Título:…
Districts of Volta Redonda (KML)
* Type: KML * Group: Political boundary * Title: Districts of Volta Redonda (KML) * Description: KML file of districts limits of Volta Redonda (RJ) * Metadata: =================================== GISMAPS - =================================== Mapas Temáticos - Geoprocessamento =================================== * Grupo: Divisão Política…
Brasilia Administrative Regions (KML)
* Type: Shapefile * Group: Political boundary * Title: Brasilia Administrative Regions (KML) * Description: Boundaries of Brasilia Administrative Regions in KML format * Metadata: =================================== GISMAPS - =================================== Mapas Temáticos - Geoprocessamento =================================== * Grupo: Divisão Política * Título: Regiões…
Franca districts (KML)
* Type: KML * Group: Political boundary * Title: Franca districts (KML) * Description: KML file of districts limits of Franca (SP) * Metadata: =================================== GISMAPS - =================================== Mapas Temáticos - Geoprocessamento =================================== * Grupo: Divisão Política * Título:…
Population density of Brazilian Federal Units (kml)
* Type: KML * Group: Population * Title: Population density of Brazilian Federal Units (kml) * Description: Population density of Brazilian Federal Units from IBGE demographic census * Metadata: =================================== GISMAPS - =================================== Mapas Temáticos - Geoprocessamento =================================== * Grupo:…
Corn production by municipality in Brazil (KML)
* Type: KML * Group: Agriculture * Title: Corn production by municipality in Brazil (KML) * Description: Map of corn production in tons (2023) by municipality in KML format * Metadata: =================================== GISMAPS - =================================== Mapas Temáticos - Geoprocessamento ===================================…
Bean production by municipality in Brazil (KML)
* Type: KML * Group: Agriculture * Title: Bean production by municipality in Brazil (KML) * Description: Map of bean production in tons (2023) by municipality in KML format * Metadata: =================================== GISMAPS - =================================== Mapas Temáticos - Geoprocessamento ===================================…
Sugarcane production by municipality in Brazil (KML)
* Type: KML * Group: Agriculture * Title: Sugarcane production by municipality in Brazil (KML) * Description: Map of Sugarcane production in tons (2023) by municipality in KML format * Metadata: =================================== GISMAPS - =================================== Mapas Temáticos - Geoprocessamento ===================================…