Category: Shapefile

* Type: Shapefile * Group: Energy * Title: Refineries in Brazil- SHP * Description: Geographical location of Petrobras refineries and other private refineries, including the polygon of the industrial area, organized in shapefile (SHP) * Metadata: ===================================…

Price: R$35,00

* Type: Shapefile * Group: Environment * Title: Relief of Brazil (2002) * Description: Map of the Brazilian relief classified according to the morphostructural domain and subdomain * Metadata: =================================== GISMAPS - =================================== Mapas Temáticos…

Price: R$40,00

* Type: Shapefile * Group: Political boundary * Title: Microrregions of Brazil - 2015 * Description: Map of Brazilian microrregions boundaries - 2015 - scale 1:250,000 * Metadata: =================================== GISMAPS - =================================== Mapas Temáticos - Geoprocessamento…

Price: R$30,00

* Type: Shapefile * Group: Political boundary * Title: Mesorregions of Brazil - 2015 * Description: Map of Brazilian mesorregions boundaries - 2015 - scale 1:250,000 * Metadata: =================================== GISMAPS - =================================== Mapas Temáticos - Geoprocessamento…

Price: R$30,00

* Type: Shapefile * Group: Political boundary * Title: Federal Units of Brazil - 2015 * Description: Map of Brazilian Federal Units - 2015 - scale 1:250,000 * Metadata: =================================== GISMAPS - =================================== Mapas Temáticos -…

Price: R$20,00

* Type: Shapefile * Group: Environment * Title: Bathymetry of Brazil 1 * Description: Bathymetry of Brazil in line format * Metadata: =================================== GISMAPS - =================================== Mapas Temáticos - Geoprocessamento =================================== * Grupo: Meio-Ambiente *…

Price: R$25,00

* Type: Shapefile * Group: Political boundary * Title: Districts of Porto Alegre (RS) * Description: Map of Porto Alegre (RS) district boundaries * Metadata: =================================== GISMAPS - =================================== Mapas Temáticos - Geoprocessamento =================================== * Grupo:…

Price: R$25,00

* Type: Shapefile * Group: Natural Resources * Title: Sedimentary basins * Description: Map of the sedimentary basins of Brazil, classified by type * Metadata: =================================== GISMAPS - =================================== Mapas Temáticos - Geoprocessamento =================================== *…

Price: R$30,00

* Type: Shapefile * Group: Political boundary * Title: Districts of Canoas (RS) (SHP) * Description: Map of Canoas (RS) district boundaries organized by region (SHP) * Metadata: =================================== GISMAPS - =================================== Mapas Temáticos - Geoprocessamento…

Price: R$25,00

* Type: Shapefile * Group: Energy * Title: Pre-Salt * Description: Polygon of Pre-Salt * Metadata: =================================== GISMAPS - =================================== Mapas Temáticos - Geoprocessamento =================================== * Grupo: Energia * Título: Pré-Sal * Descrição: Polígono do Pré-Sal…

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